Stem cell treatment for degenerative disc disease reviews
Stem cell treatment for degenerative disc disease reviews

stem cell treatment for degenerative disc disease reviews stem cell treatment for degenerative disc disease reviews

I have abused my body terribly for over 40 years. I was first referred to consider the stem cell treatment by my Yoga instructor who like me, had crushed, herniated discs in her back.

stem cell treatment for degenerative disc disease reviews

One week ago I received the IV treatment from Stemedix. I especially worked a lot with Sara and I want to tell you that her accompaniment is spectacular, she deserves the award for the best customer service in the United States!!! a person's loveModern and current alternative medicine is what means that in my case, just one week after starting my treatment, I returned to being the same as always AS IF NOTHING WAS NOTHING, I advise you to go and do your studies, it will transform your life! Especialmente trabaje mucho con Sara y les quiero contar que su acompañamiento es espectacular, se merece el premio a la mejor servicio al cliente de los Estados Unidos!!! un amor de persona.La medicina alternativa moderna y actual es lo que hace que en mi caso a tan solo una semana de empezar mi tratamiento, volví a ser la misma de siempre COMO SI NADA NADA, Te aconsejo que vallas y hagas tus estudios te va transforma tu vida!I found this center because I was feeling pretty bad, super tired, not wanting to do anything exhausted at 2:00 pm, which is rare for me since I consider myself a super energetic person, and full of light.After performing several tests, they found the cause of why I felt this way, something that a standard health study would NEVER have found!The best thing about this experience was Sara, Becky and Rebeca. Encontré este centro ya que me encontraba bastante mal, super cansada, sin ganas de nada agotada a las 2:00 pm, lo cual es raro en mi ya que me considero una persona super energética, y llena de luz.Después de realizar varios test, encontraron la causa del porqué me sentía así algo que JAMAS hubiera encontrado un estudio standard de salud!Lo mejor de esta experiencia, fue Sara, Becky y Rebeca.

Stem cell treatment for degenerative disc disease reviews